Shell requirements on Linux and MacOS

The shell requires the vim text editor on Linux and MacOS. Please install it through any means. If it is not installed, libms-shell will show an error that it is not found.

Embedding a custom shell

A custom shell may be embedded using the module.

import as shell # Run a shell session

Or you could create an object of Prompt. It's a cmd.Cmd object, so refer to cmd's documentation for more options.

from import Prompt

p = Prompt()


At this point you can customize the prompt, e.g. add commands, change welcome message, and more. It is even possible to run multiple shells at once with the Prompt class.

Shell commands

The shell contains a built-in help function:

libmineshaft [x.x.x] on [OS-build-platform-arch].
Have a nice day coding.

 Mineshaft~$ help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF  exit  help


All command documentation may be found there.