
Run the command below to install the lastest version:

pip3 install --user libmineshaft # install
pip3 install --user --upgrade libmineshaft # update to lastest version
pip3 uninstall libmineshaft # uninstall

If you are on Windows, you will want to install the windows-curses module through pip. Also if the pip3 command is not found, replace it with just pip

Building from source

If you are developing libmineshaft, then you may will want to built libmineshaft from source.Run the commands below to create wheels and source distributions for libmineshaft.

python3 sdist
pip3 install wheel
python3 bdist_wheel

Builds will be under the dist/ directory. To upload them to PyPI, install twine.

pip3 install twine
cd dist
twine upload * #Only use this if the dist directory contains only a single build that is not to be overrides
twine upload *x.x.x.* #Replace x with the version numbers

Please note, that you will have to have access to the libmineshaft project on PyPI to upload it.